Sunday 6 March 2016

Magazine research: HUNGER

HUNGER what great covers I've never really looked into this magazine until now and I just love the covers how dark they look but in a beautiful creative way! HUNGER is biannual magazine by photographer and publisher RANKIN who is also founding editor of the well known magazine Dazed & confused! HUNGER was published in November 2011 with wanting to give the vibe of creativeness and cultural feel. When HUNGER was launched it came out with HUNGERtv that is a video based website with in depth interviews of the people that are based in the magazine & your regular stories on the stars and updates on HUNGER and what's to come! The audience I feel will be the creative culture mind set people as what the magazine projects with on the inside of the magazine and the front cover!

The hair and make up is beautiful so strong and bold to really feature out in the black and white photography and the application of the model relates to the font of the lettering as you see on the left the logo as if its dripping down and then the models hair is loose waves but looks wet and the make up is dark and bold with a smudge liner under the eye to give a smoked look and for the lip a bold matte black for a sharpe bold lip! The right cover the font is more elegant then with the model holding her head high really showing the structure of the jaw line and beautiful long neck the make up showing a nice chiselled cheekbone with the whole base and lip being quite a highlighted and contoured look with an creative eye liner to the lid.

  • Fig 1 RANKIN. (2012). HUNGER. Available: Last accessed 6th march 2016.
  • Fig 2  RANKIN. (2015). HUNGER. Available: Last accessed 6th march 2016.

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