Wednesday 9 March 2016

Magazine cover: Evaluation

For this assignment the brief was to create a magazine front cover in the style of SS15 and to collaborate with a photographer. When Branka first delivered the brief I straight away was not so keen on producing this outcome as the worry of getting a photographer and a model in a city I know no one! So when this brief was set I wasn't so excited. But little did I know how much this assignment would help me not only with this project but with future projects!

To begin my search for collaborating with photographers and models I came across a website called the freelancer club that you could set up a profile reflecting what creative area you worked in. As this was a site for freelancers in the creative industry this being mua's, photographers, models and stylists. So I began my profile by showing the world of freelancer club I was an MUA by uploading work I have created so really just like an on-line portfolio for other creative's to see. Once I had made my on-line portfolio I posted a job seeking ** fashion photographer and model needed** and stated what the job would consist of (my magazine photo shoot). When posted will take up to twelve hours for the team to let be put live onto their site. When it went live I had so many responses and options to network with! With a big selection to pick from I made sure I looked at their Instagram’s and websites as I had a high percentage of photographers to pick from, but finding someone who I felt would collaborate well with my work and chose a photographer called Simon Morris who I couldn't wait to work with! 

With such a great outcome with the photographers I didn't win so much luck on the model side of things as all of the models on freelancer club wasn't what I was looking for! But Simon got us a model but on the day just didn't work the camera like I hoped and the whole studio outcome didn't work as well as I hoped as I felt it was no longer my project and they just took over! So after feeling really excited to collaborate with these creative's it all came crashing down on the day, but I see it as work experience so wasn't a day wasted I learnt from it. Next time I need to take charge more as I obviously didn't the first round and it showed!

The second time round I Shot with Chris Ennis and model Tasmin Taylor and this shoot went so well the photographer listened to everything I said the model worked the camera how I asked and everything just fell into place great!! And the relief of this was amazing as I did panic after the last shoot but I got here in the end and I felt so proud. Even though I had stressful times with this project sometimes got upset but only because I really wanted to succeed well in this project and I really think I projected myself in this project in a professional manner and couldn't be more proud of this outcome.

Excellent project to be given, at first I wasn't keen but I got it done and loved it! Made me feel like I was a professional and networking with other creative people in the industry was great and I learnt lessons along the way!  

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