Wednesday 9 March 2016

Magazine cover : Final chosen hair ( Thierry Mugler ) & make up ( Burberry )

So I chose my final look from the ss15 trends for hair Thierry Mugler catwalk with the sharpe middle parting slightly sleek to the head and slight wave.

I chose this look to incorporate into my application for the cover because I like the sharpe clean parting a slight sleekness to the top of the head maybe a slight spray of spray to give a slight wet shine look! With a build up of a bodied wave, so its not too plain! When applying this look to create the waves I will be using straighteners to incorporate the waves by making big curls then taking a soft brush and taking through the hair brushing them out into waves to create my look!

With ss15 being such a clean look, going from the same trend as last term which I love! Because in our first term when first given the brief I was feeling it might be boring, but how I was wrong clean make ups have become my favourite lately! With choosing Zac Posen for my first term clean dewy base and bold lip so I questioning if I could do this as its very similar but it's getting practice of creating the balanced lip , with at the start f the year I did struggle with! And the image I have in my head of how I would like my model to look and this is the look that really draws me in! Beautiful fresh skin and beautiful lip specially with the warmth and glow of the skin giving you that summer vibe! So hoping this look I hate created in my head goes amazing in the day!

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