Saturday 6 February 2016

Hair: Applying styles with switches


It's a hair piece that is attached with a elastic loop to make attaching to the natural hair easy. Switch hair pieces are used to create endless of gorgeous hair styles for up do's day to day or even for your special occasions if you want them for extra length or extra thickness or both!
They are normally made of crafted from realistic synthetic blends so they blend well with your natural hair!

So this lesson was all about applying switches to the hair to create more length giving us more hair to work with and create beautiful up do's! I created three styles with the switch making myself familiar with switches so I know how to apply and create an up do with them.

Plaited bun incorporating switch 

My first style I created was an up do bun incorporating the switch, first taking a small section of the hair making an anchor point this being a pin curl secured with two pins, I applied this so I had a secure point to attach my switch. Placing the loop onto the switch holding this into place and inserting pins through the loop into the anchor point gripping with two grips pushing them down wards once my switch was secure, brushed all the hair back making sure its all smooth and bump free and putting into a ponytail once applied the pony I sectioned the natural hair from the switch and plaited the switch and when I got to the end of the plait I tied together holding the plait, then from the start of the plait I started wrapping the plait round going the right direction and kept wrapping round till I had no plait left and pinning all in place with really fine grips. So still having the natural hair still left out I spilt into two plaited one section and placed this plait up alongside the right side of the bun going up round it and the doing this with the left side making sort of a plaited band to go round the plaited bun.

( Anchor point, did re do this as it needed to be more flat to the model's head )

( Plaited bun, incorporating a switch )

Two twisted plait 

For my second hair style incorporating the switch I decided to create a two twisted plait, first creating a middle parting and then sectioning the hair going from ear to ear keeping the front section separate from the back section. Brushing all of the back section back making smooth and bump free and then tying the back section into a pony tail at the bottom of the nape. This time to attach the switch I applied it to the hair band by putting a grip through the loop of the switch and pinning downwards through the hair band as I felt this was more secure than the anchor point. Once secured the switch I sectioned a small part of the natural hair from the pony and wrapped this round the hair band so the the hair band cant be seen and then pinned into place and secured. I then sectioned the pony into two sections and started plaiting like I would with a three sectioned plait and started to create my two section twist plait when getting to the end of the hair then tied to keep the style secure. After having all of the back section complete I then went back to the front section brushing the section and making sure its back to the middle parting and then combing each side and bringing back to pin and then wrapping any left over hair around with the rest of the hair wrap.

( Two twisted plait incorporating switch )

Two twisted plait converted into bun

So to create another style with the two twisted plait and this time created this into a bun by wrapping round the anchor point of this hair style and as I was wrapping I was pinning to keep the hair style secure once got to the end of the hair and placed the last pin then gave a light spray of hair spray just to give that extra hold to the hair.

( Twisted bun, incorporating switch )

Overall Evaluation

 After the lesson being on applying a switch creating nice up do's, and I think these are really handy as not everyone has long thick hair so these are really useful! I found attaching the switch to a pin curl anchor point wasn't very secure where as applying through the loop and into the hair band with grips was more of a secure option so if I was to ever apply this again I would know for future reference what works for me and what doesn't! And would use a colour matched switch not a totally different colour but due to the colleges selection of colours had to stick with this once but didn't work too bad but next time would use the right colour of the hair. Overall I did like working with these hair pieces and think they are great to add to a beautiful up do!

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