Saturday 6 February 2016

Demo: Glitters and pigments inspired by Pat Mcgrath

The lesson today was all about being inspired by Pat Mcgrath's gorgeous glitter and pigment eye looks so in this demo holly showed us a quick look today missing out doing the full face and just showing us one eye so this gave us more time to get creative with those glitters and pigments!

Starting off with explaining to use about mixing mediums so we had more knowledge with what goes with what,

Eye liner mixing medium: Which is for the eyes you can use with glitters, pigments anything powdered or loose and kind of glue to the eyes or if you wanted to make into more of a creamy texture, this eye liner mixing medium is good for a long length of time in wearing the pigments and glitters and this will help keep them staying intact for a long period. Though holly finds when mixing the eye liner medium and glitter together tends to make the glitter become dull , so applying eye liner mixing medium to the eye then the glitter or pigments on top will make them not become dull.

Alcohol based mixing medium: The alcohol mixing medium isn't used for the face, if you was to use on the body it is quite drying.

Water based mixing medium: Is more for the face this could be added to a thick foundation mixing this together could make the the foundation into a liquid foundation.

Gel based mixing medium: which is best for body painting as its more comfortable as body paints can go quite dry but this tends to leave it with more of a satin finish.

Lash mixing medium: If you wanted to make a coloured mascara you could mix a coloured pigment and and the lash mixing medium together to make this colour mascara.

Once explain about different mixing mediums Holly began her demo for the glitter pigment eye, first made sure the models skin was clean and oil free as when she applies the masking tape to the face otherwise the tape wont stick properly though out the application of applying the make up and want this tape secure so it will leave a sharpe finish. So once applied the masking tape from the outside of the eye going up onto the temple. Next lightly applying vaseline everywhere Holly wanted it for the pigment and glitter to go so this will hold them but if applied too much vaseline will cause for all the eye to mush together and become dull.
First went in with a MAC gold pigment as the base as Holly tends to build the eye with gold and silver glitter, once applied her base then went in with a MAC gold glitter all the areas she wanted to apply the gold glitter on the lid of the eye and also taking onto the temple, then to add some depth into the socket used silver into the contour of the lid and taking this out onto to the temple and also a little to the brow. Once finished applying the glitter to the finish the look and get that Pat Mcgrath finish look to the make up Holly applied sequins to finish her Pat Mcgrath inspired glitter and pigment look.

( With Flash )

( Without flash )

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