Friday 19 February 2016

Blocking brow and incorporating lace by me

So the lesson was all about blocking the brow and then applying lace what will also take the eye away from the brow, with this lesson I came over not feeling well so I actually modelled for the lesson.
Because I didn't do the look in lesson so done this look at home but not having a female face to practice from my poor boyfriend Mark had to sit in the make up seat! This should be fun!

So first I wanted to make sure Mark's face was clean from oil or any dirt that may have built on his face throughout the day by cleansing and toning the skin once I applied this to the skin I then moisturised the skin making sure it was all prepped ready for when I apply this application. Now to start on those beautiful thick brows brows he has, should of done on myself as my brows would of been easier but I wanted to give myself a challenge! To start I applied spirit gum to eye lash brush and leaving this to go tacky for a minute as this will help for the brow to stick easier and quicker! Applying this to the brow but instead of grooming through the brow the right way I went in the wrong direction this is so all the hairs are coated, once I felt I coated all the brows I groomed in the right direction and then flattened the brow down with a spatula making sure the brow is flat to the skin otherwise will cause the brow to lift. Once I had flattened to the models skin I left this to dry for for a minute or two making sure it sets and cleaning up any excess spirit gum has gone onto the skin so using a cotton bud with pro clean, normally would use MME that would clean it up but as I didn't have any but it still the job as the pro clean is an oil based liquid and when applying to the spirit gum it really wears down the spirit gum from the skin. Once was dry and cleaned up I went in with my powder puff applying Kroylan translucent really pressing this in cross the brow making sure all is covered. Leaving this to set into the brow for a minute or two, once set went into the brow with D32 from my derma palette this will help take any darkness away and neutralising the brow. Noticing after once layer of D32, after powdering down I will need to apply another layer as the brows are quite dark at the beginning of the brow so after the first layer and powder down I waited for this to set as I didn't want to move any of my product underneath.

The brow had settled and was time for my second application of D32 and powdering down, doing the same techniques by stippling the product on, not dragging across as I didn't want to move the build up of product underneath. Stippled the whole brow again was time to powder down for the next layer!
Waiting for this to set into the brow I began to mix my concealer from my derma palette using the colours D3, D4, D5and D32 to give little extra warmth! Making sure my concealer is mixed well and is warmed up as I didn't want the product still be stiff as this will cause my application to not apply as well as I will like so to get a smooth application I made sure before applying this was warmed up working into the product on the back of my hand as working off the back of your hand will help warming up the product.
With the brow not set and my concealer mixed and warmed up I stippled again like I did with the D32 to the brow and taking this outside the brow slightly where as the D32 just stayed on the brow but with the concealer I want this slightly off the brow so I can blend with a buffing brush into the outer skin so this blends well. Once all applied I powdered down the brow and letting this set, ready to apply this again after repeating this part of the application with the last dusting of powder was ready to apply my base next using MAC face and body C1 and mixing with Mandy Gold foundation palette as I wanted a slight thicker coverage than what face and body would give and this look I have gone intentionally darker as I wanted to imply a really warm golden look with intense highlight and contour. So buffed the foundation mixed into the model's skin, and set this using Kroylan translucent powder. With the base applied I then used MAC shadowy and shadester to create the contour of the models face making this intense and to really set the cheek bones off using my morphe palette highlighter taking this along the blocked out brow, the hight of the cheekbone and the bridge of the nose.

The whole of the base completed adding the final touches to the face with applying my freehand lace to the models's face using Kroylan super colour palette using the black paint to apply as my lace, not really knowing what I wanted to apply I just went with the flow and letting the free hand take the way! and applying morphe palette shadow to the lid in a warm brown tone lightly dusting this over and finishing the eye with MAC mascara to the lashes to open the eye up! And applying a small amount of Vaseline to the lip.

Products used:

Skin prep: Simple Cleanser, toner and moisturiser 
Brows: Spirit gum, Kroylan translucent powder, derma palette D32
derma concealer palette D3, D4, D5 and D32, pro clean.
Foundation: Face and body C1 and Mandy Gold foundation palette 
Concealer: MAC NW25, NW35
Powder: Kroylan translucent powder
Contour: MAC shadowy and shadester contour palette
Highlighter: Morphe pallete
Shadow: Morphe palette
Lace: Super colour palette Kroylan paint paint
Lip: Vaseline 
Lashes: MAC mascara


For this look I really enjoyed applying the whole look from blocking the brows to free hand lace look. As much as I liked applying this look it could have improvement as I do like the look but I think I will apply and practice on myself  specially with the brow, but I do know where I went wrong for next time and that's not applying enough spirit gum and making sure I coated all the brow hair's and it shown in the image above at the beginning of the brow but I was happy with the middle to the outer brow.So this is something I would make sure I pay more attention too as he did have very thick and dark brows! For the lace work I felt it worked but next time would try something more like a masquerade laced mask look as I think these look so pretty! Main focus will be the brow though! and I will insert below images of the second attempt of the blocked out brow below and see if I can hit the nail on the head this time as they say practice makes perfect after all! 

Second attempt of the blocked brow

Products used:

Brows: Spirit gum, Kroylan translucent powder,Derma palette D32
Derma palette D5,D4
Foundation: MAC face and body C1
Powder: Kroylan translucent powder
Contour: MAC contour palette shadowy and shadester
Highlight: Morphe palette
Blush: Illamasqua cream blush rude
Lip: Illamasqua cream blush rude
Mascara: MAC mascara


So for the second attempt I was happy with this outcome, I felt I applied the block brow well I worked into the area with more hair applying a bit more spirit gum. Just generally kept brushing in the wrong direction making sure I got into every hair so when I flattened the hair wouldn't still lift like the first attempt. Being very happy with the blocking stage  and the coverage takes me onto how much I loved my base and used MAC face and body! Face and body I tend to have a love hate relationship with most of the time I do hate it as I always find it doesn't really give me the coverage I like as I've quoted before it's like water on the skin! But this look I did really work it into the back of my hand and to apply I used a new brush I purchased from Amazon which is a set that's a cheaper version of real techniques brushes of the new range they have just brought out. To apply the face and body I used this new brush and loved it to really buff into the skin giving that flawless skin. And each image really did show beautiful skin, so today I was very happy for once with face and body. It really is how you warm it and work with it before you apply does really make a lot of difference!!
With the lace I kind of changed the idea of Masquerade and just really went with the flow! Creating a blow tree like image on one of the blocked out brows which I felt worked well!
Overall I was really happy with my second attempt and happy I gave this look a practice with the blocking of the brow and I really enjoyed this version to the wax! As I find it's easier to work this way and also gives such a cleaner finish and doesn't look as heavy as the theatre way! So second attempt was a success!

The brush I used to apply the face and body which, is now my favourite brush to apply bases at the moment as it buffs so beautiful into the skin with this brush and 6 brushes for 5 pound from Amazon can't go wrong as if it makes me like face and body again!

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