Monday 30 November 2015

Simple liner and creative lip by me ..

The main aim for my final look today was to apply a simple liner and creating creative lip by building from the original red lip developing into a ombre finishing with a glitter lip.
Starting off prepping the models skin cleansing first then went onto moisturising the skin I found with my models skin she suffers with patches of dry skin under the cheek bone area mentioning past make up applications with other artists in the class found when applying foundation and then setting the skin tends to stick to these certain areas causing to ruin the base. So wanting to over come this for my make up look I did concentrate more on these areas applying the moisturiser with a buffing brush really buffing into the skin. As today I didn't have my face oil in my kit that would normally lock the moisture into the skin, so instead I used illamasqua hydra veil over the face applied with foundation brush which I feel works great for dry skin and gives an all over velvet feel and really helped the dry patches so when I go in with foundation and then set will be a perfect base.

For my foundation I used MAC face and body as I didn't want a heavy look but just balance out the colouring of the face to match the neck, so I used a straight C1 that works great for her skin tone as its exact match! Set the base with Ben nye fair literally just dusted over the face again nothing too heavy!
Once finishing the base I moved onto applying the liner feeling a bit nervous as I needed to get both eyes the same but relaxing and not thinking about it too much and going with the flow I used MAC black track liner which I've decided I'm not too keen on using as its not black, black and had to build the liner to get a bolder black. Starting at the centre of the and bringing the liner to the outer of the eye not applying this in one stroke as this would cause me to shake and most definitely mess the liner up but apply in small brush strokes making this easier for myself taking the to the end of the lash line and to create the flick I added more product to my liner brush lightly pushing down on end of the lash line and flicking out my liner lightly taking my brush off the skin finishing with mascara brushed through the lashes and taking MAC brow gel throw the brows and just filling out with a little colour not much using a dark brown through the brow.
Finishing the liner on both eyes I blended MAC cork into the socket line as I wanted to lightly define the socket line giving slight depth making this giving definition to the eye area.
Onto the lip I did feel quite nervous I don't normally as I just naturally go onto applying the lip in any make up treatment but in this look I concentrated so much on the lip first mapping out with MAC lip liner Ruby roo, balancing the top lip to the bottom after taking me such quite a while as I was concentrating on this area as the aim was to get a perfect balanced lip but more I was concentrating on this area the more I felt, I kept messing it up. Finally felt I got a better mapping of the lip I applied Russian red to the lip and to and finishing touch using MAC vanilla pigment to the bridge of the nose and the height of the cheekbone just to bring those elements forward a little.

After completing my red lip look followed onto the ombre look using MAC black lip liner mapping the lip like before but when applying this I did take longer as I felt I did go bigger on the the lip which i shoudnt of done so this did slow me down as I needed to clean this up and go in again with the ombre lip, and then because I used face and body and I didn't matte the skin loads I found it was working on a very slippery surface and this did show a messy application I felt so this did slow me down cleaning this up too and I will be mentioning all this in my evaluation of what I will do next time to prevent this from reoccurring again in my work. So below I have inserted my ombre lip but due to me spending so much time on the lip I didn't get round to applying glitter to the lip nor the lashes as I did run out of time.

Products used:

                                                           Base: C1 MAC face and body                                                        
Powder: Ben Nye fair
Eye Liner: MAC black track
Eyes: MAC cork ( socket line )
Mascara: MAC
Brow: MAC brow gel, MAC brun shadow 
Lip: MAC Russian red
Lip liner: Ruby roo, Black eye liner
Highlight: MAC vanilla pigment


Throughout this application I was putting so much concentration as I was trying my hardest to apply a perfect liner and lip especially the lip making sure its balanced. I did really enjoy applying this look as I think its a gorgeous look to wear but I did how ever concentrate so much trying to get the balanced lip but I found the more I was concentrating the more I was messing up as in recent make up lessons I just do it naturally without thinking into it too much and do a nice lip but I did find today was more of a challenge for myself as today I tended to keep going bigger than the lip which did cause a bit of mess and I did keep cleaning this up! Also found where I didn't set the foundation loads the skin seemed so oily as I did use face and body which is a very oil based foundation and when I applied the lip liner and I went slightly bigger than the lip and felt like it was applying to water. So when I do create this look again which I most definitely will as I love this look, I would set more round the mouth make it more matte as I would like to over come this and no repeat! And maybe not concentrating so much and going with the flow and hopefully will get in what I missed as I only done half ombre lip, no glitter lip and no lashes so next time I would really have to get my speed up!  

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