Friday 27 November 2015

Fashion hair : Heated rollers

This week Emma demonstrated to us how to apply a brick set with heated rollers, basically same as last week how we applied the rollers but instead of applying to wet hair and using the portable dryer, we will be applying to dry hair and just dampening down with setting spray not getting the hair wet just 2 sprays on each section to help when rolling the hair and letting the heated rollers create curl and bounce ready for us to dress out into style.

Firstly making sure our heated rollers were turned on so throughout our demo they would be heating up ready for us to apply doing this giving time for your rollers to heat up will cause them to be hotter which will create more curl and bounce to your set even though they are really hot to work with which I've noticed has helped me put in rollers a lot quicker as the heat makes you work quicker not wanting to burn your fingers!!

To start I combed through my block's hair starting from the bottom working up the hair making sure there are no knots and doing this is so I get rid of any knots as if I was to start from the top I would be creating a be knot at the bottom of the hair for myself to battle with so this way helps get rid of knots and not causing any damage to the hair working upwards.Once all combed I side parted my blocks hair making the left side of the head more of a heavy feel so when my set is taken out and and dressed out that side should be giving more volume and bounce!
Starting from the front sectioning my hair from ear to ear making sure each section isn't more width than the roller or length as previous roller sets as I've created before will cause over hang of the roller, also making sure my sections are neat and straight once got a correct section I combed through holding tension on the hair holding at a 45 degrees angle really making sure I have tension as its will show in your set as I want this tight and rolled straight up to the root of the head, while doing this I gave the section 2 sprays of setting spray this helps me to keep the tension as if was soft and no setting spray added I would most definitely find putting the roller in hard as end of the hair is a lot thinner and trying to grip the hair to the roller just always seems to slip through so spraying the ends I found really helped me to start my roll off and used my tail comb throughout making sure all the ends were kept in and preventing any fish hooks! After sectioning and setting my whole front of the block I went onto setting back of the hair into a brick set doing this as I don't want a uniform set which is sets going in straight rows all one after another where as a brick set is more movement in the set which is more like a brick wall and will give more movement when you take it out. When I had applied all my set I waited till all rollers had gone cold because if I was to take them out when still warm this would cause my set to drop! So once had all gone cold starting from the bottom of the head taking out my rollers working up the head to the front sections, cause if I was to start from the front and work my way down the head I would constantly be lifting up hair to take out the roll underneath so this does make more sense to undress the hair this way! Now all of my rollers are out i brushed through the block using a denman brushing and smoothing out and started using my silver clips to keep all waves in place and then setting the hair with hairspray.

Final image


All throughout this set I felt more confident as we have been doing a few sets now as we currently are also doing in out period hair which has most definitely help me speed up and my sections are becoming neater , and one thing I was finding very hard at the start was keeping the tail comb in my hand all throughout the set and whipping it round to use on each section keeping the ends in trying not to create any of those fish hooks! Practice does make perfect, my sets are most definitely not perfect yet but one day they will be! As I've already seen so much improvement in my work and tend to carry on practising my sets making them perfect! I was really happy with my whole set but with my final image when I dressed out and silver clipped my waves into place  but as you can see above it didn't really enhance them at all but this was due to not being left in long enough I felt so if I was to create this again I would have left them in longer with more hairspray also make my style more neater as you can see that style isn't ready for camera as you can see fly away hairs coming away from the hair so to over come this next time maybe use a hair serum and shine spray to finish the look completely. 

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