Friday 13 November 2015

Demo: Full make up application with grease paints

For this lesson we were shown how to create a full face with grease paints as one day you could be on set doing hair not having your make up kit but too asked to do a full face and only having your grease paints on you so knowing how to apply a full face with just grease paints applying a full face.

Firstly, prep the skin MAC fix plus and then moisturised where her models skin needed moisture the most. Once the models skin was prepared Branka started to mix her models skin tone using her grease paint colours, neutral yellow, beige, mango, red, reddish brown, brown, natural yellow, lighten with white, more red, 2 yellows, touch of blue, bit more yellow added half a shade lighter then checked onto the skin was a bit too warm for the models skin so added a little whiter and beige to her mixed foundation. She then applied to the models forehead always looking at the models neck as that is the colour your trying to match, getting the correct colour she started to buff the colour into the skin once applied to the whole face, started to mix her concealer for under the eye using red and burgundy mixed onto back of her hand and some of her already mixed foundation mixed together giving a warmth to conceal under the models eye taking out any dark circles/bags from under the eye! As these grease paints can be quite oily and she didn't want any movement under the eye or any creases so she applied quite a heavy layer of powder with a fluffy brush.
For the highlight using the remainder of the skin tone and adding white from her palette mixing these 2 colours together to get her highlight colour applying to bring elements of the face out, found her highlighter bit too strong so added mango to warm up the highlighter then started pressing into the skin with a buffering brush once all highlighted areas were pressed into the skin started to mix a contour shade using the colours grey, red and brown mixing this colour to apply to the contoured / shaded areas then buffed and blended into the skin.
Set the skin with powder again after so this would set the highlight, contour and the foundation but only set lightly this time as she didn't want the powder to be applied heavy.
Onto the eyes once the base had been applied normally Branka and myself would apply the eyes first as you would normally get drop-age from your shadow onto the base but because we being shown how to apply a whole face with grease paints which this won’t cause when applying to the models eye.
Mixing the colours brown and beige from her grease paint pallet mixing these colours to give a soft brown to work and buff into the models contour line, then adding liner worked into the lash line and the lower lash line very lightly then set with some powder so the liner and contour of the socket does move or crease on the eye. Nearly finishing her look using the colours dark brown and grey mixed on the back of her hand and taking the colour through the brows and setting them with a light layer of powder. For the blush using red, yellow and burgundy mixed and applied too apple of the cheek buffing into the skin and also buffed into the lip.
Using black grease paint brushing through the models lashes and for final touch sprayed MAC fix plus this fixes the look in place.

Branka's final look the whole look created with grease paints at first when we were told our lesson was going to be doing a full face with them I wasn't too sure what to think as we were shown a palette of colours not really skin colours but once being shown it’s all about knowing your colours which before this post I uploaded a colour wheel what really does help you know your colours and what colours to mix and not to mix! I thought the final look was such a good outcome and surprised due to using what you normally wouldn't use in a full face below I have inserted an image showing you what was used to create this look and nothing else was used sept from this pallet.

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