Wednesday 9 December 2015

Full Body blow dry by me

For this lesson we were shown how to apply a full body blow dry this time we didn't wash the hair but just wet the hair down with some water spray! So after I wet down my block I sectioned my blocks hair into 3 sections and then sectioning them blow drying row by row taking my taking my medium round blow drying brush right up to the root and instead of pulling out towards me like I did in straight blow dry I was rotating my brush a lot and curving it in as I wanted to create body this time.
Once I had blow dried the whole of the blocks hair I then applied Velcro rollers to the hair sectioning the hair and putting them in making sure in each roller section I throughout keep using my tail comb to keep those ends in. Once I had applied the whole set I gave a slight spray over with hair spray just to give that extra hold on my set. When ready I took my whole set out and carefully brushing a smoothing out my set into shape really enhancing the look I've just created with a final spray of hair spray again.

Final full body blow dry


For my final out come I was really happy with it as I think it shows a good amount of body to the hair and when I done straight blow drying I hated it as it made my arms ache but this time I hold the dryer at the nozzle which always gives me more control over my blow drying.
The next blow dry I would love to give a go is a curly blow dry so that's hopefully the next blow dry I try. If I was going to do this again think I would next time add some serum just to give that soft perfect finish ready for camera! 

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