Friday 29 January 2016

Term 2 Hair: Plaits

For our first lesson back Emma demonstrated  plaits that could be worn in fashion showing us different types such as:

  • French braid or know as a French plait that consists of 3 sections of hair that is braided together from the crown of the head to the nape of the models head.

  • Fish tale plait is created by the hair being sectioned into 2 sections then taking a small piece from the outside of one of the two main sections and bring to the inside of the opposite section, then repeating this on the other section and then pulling this tight, and carrying this on to the end of the models hair some people keep it neat, or you can use a tail comb to loosen the plait.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  • Water fall plait can be a bit more fiddly than the other two above but once applied looks beautiful and once applied can curl the ends making it look a really pretty style to wear. To apply this you start off near the models hairline using three sections like you would to create a French plait, cross the section that is closest to the top of the models head over the middle section, then cross the new top section over the new middle and then the bottom over the middle and then drop the middle section down  so then will blend in with the rest of the hair so when finished you can apply curls to finish the look.        
  • Four section braid is similar to a French plait but adding that extra section but giving it a twist, to apply this style by starting with your four sections, with your two inner sections ( 2 and 3) first with section three going under section one and then section two going under three and over four and then you start to carry this all the way down the hair till the end result.

  • Two sectioned plait giving a twisted look by simply sectioning the hair into two sections and plaiting with these two sections like you would a normal plait but this time just with two sections giving the final out come a twisted braid effect.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         All visited on 29/01/2016 at 15.47
  • fig 1 -
  • fig 2 -
  • fig 3 -
  • fig 4 -
  • fig 5 -

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