Monday 19 October 2015

Hair by me : Wet set

Health and safety

Before every treatment I will carry out risk assessment this meaning checking my work station making sure is safe for myself, client, and work colleagues surrounding my work area.

Firstly I make sure all bags are tucked under nothing out on the floor causing a hazard and no hot applicants leads on the floor causing anyone to trip making the risk much less. Then making sure no coats are over the chair or on my station and are hung up and out of the way. If any spillages making sure moped and wet floor sign is made present. Once making sure my area is hazard free I will make sure my clients chair is at the right height so when my client is seated they wont be too high as you need the model to be seated low as your have more control over styling your models hair. When styling you must always only use heated applicants that are in good working ordered and have passed as they should be checked every 6 months so they are safe to use.
If an hazard is identified you must let all your work colleagues aware of this hazard and letting know who is in charge so the hazard can be resolved either to be repaired or replace causing no harm to yourself client or colleagues.  
                                                                     Wet set

After Emma had done the demo to the class, was our turn to create a wet set. Starting first with getting my section on top of the models head starting in the middle making our sections no more of  the width and no longer than the length of the roller. At first getting the right amount for my section I kept taking to much width but I wouldn't roll it till I felt I done the right section. Once I was happy with my section I sprayed my section so this gives the wet set we aiming for. In this part of creating my section I found keeping my tail comb in my hand all the way throughout very hard as I just kept wanting to put it down but keeping in your hand is useful so you can keep the ends in so I don't create any fish hooks. And feel this is something I need to practice on, also keeping my sections straight all throughout. I took pictures of the process and you can see from the first sets I done as I you go down the head my sets are neater and my sections are too! One of my biggest improvements I need to make is my timing as I feel very slow to the rest of my class, but I know with practice this will improve in all the areas I've spoken about where I feel there's room for improvement.

Above in the first picture is example of too much length meaning longer than the roller causing the hair to over hang on the roller, which I then undone my set and re-sectioned and my outcome was the below image that shows out the set should be and not the image above.

Finally finished my set which I applied as a brick set as I didn't want an uniform set as when I came to take my rollers out and dress out I didn't want it uniformed curls but by setting in brick set when taking out and dressing the hair will give more movement to your final look.

Above in the top image showing the portable heater dry my created set, I was a bit slower than everyone else meaning my model didn't have as much time under the heat, but Emma's main focus with us girls was to put in a perfect set which I wouldn't say my set was perfect as there s room for improvement such as keeping each set neat, sections all neat making each set consistent.
Image below that I took showing when I first checked to see if my rollers had cooled down because if I was to take out before my rollers had cooled would cause for the curl to drop! Due to me being slower I had to take out before my rollers had cooled, so did give a good curl as I think some rollers had cooled but the majority of them had that drop look which you can see in the image below and is an example how the curl shouldn't look 


Products and  tools used:

Setting spray
tail comb
heated rollers
heated roller pins
denman brush


My final outcome after brushing out the set gave me a nice flow to the hair, and I do feel I gave this a really good shot for my first time doing a wet set I did find it quite a fiddly style to create, with having to keep tension on your section at all time, rolling the hair and also keeping putting your tail comb through the roll keeping all the ends in. I did find it all quite hard to begin with but as I went down the head I was becoming more confident in my set!
I do need more practice as my time was quite slow and more practice with keeping the tail comb in my hand throughout, by I was quite happy with my overall outcome in wet setting. Next time using heated rollers I really do need to pick up my pace as I feel I'm a perfectionist as this is resulting in me being so slow! My main goal is to have my speed sorted by time of my formative in fashion hair and to keep learning with my tail comb in my hand throughout applying my roller set as it helps you so much keeping your rollers neat and to final fish hooks at the end result!

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