Monday 19 October 2015

Demo: Highlight and contour

Before applying any make up to the face Branka prepped her skin by cleansing her models face and while doing this she was looking at the skin to see what skin type her model was, with her model being a combination she found some dry areas so Branka applied moisturiser to overcome these dry parts on her models face.
After prepping her models face, Branka concealed her model mixing D7,D3,D32 on the back of hand mixing a concealer right for her models tone. Applying this to under the eye using a fluffy brush to blend in taking it up to the models lid and buffing out. Which then Branka mixed a peach and a moiv colour next to her dema and then mixed a bit together to get a warmer tone, and if not warm enough she would add peach by its self.
Once applied her conceal she applied C1 face and body straight by warming on the back of her hand and then applying to the face buffing into the skin with a fluffy brush in circular motions.

When the skin was prepped, concealed, foundation applied was time for highlighting and contouring the models face with the grease palette first mixing the contour shade using the colours, beige, red brown, brown, yellow, grey, pink, yellow mixing a colour that is 4/5 shades up from the skin tone as when creating the contour your wanna make it abit of a grey tone as its a shade we want to create! So with our contour shade being mixed Branka first applied white grease paint ( highlighter )

Applying the highlighter to the areas you want to bring forward, top of the cheek bone, brow bone, bridge of the nose following up to centre of the forehead, chin Next to apply the contour.

Applying the contour to areas you want more depth, under the cheek bone going from top of the ear to the mouth, socket line, jawline and the temples. If the model has small temples highlight loads if you can fit 2 fingers there bit of shade and highlight if large shade the temples. With Brankas model her temples were large you can see Branka puts a strike of shade colour on the temple ready for when she buffs and blends out.

Branka first blended the highlight first in small stokes making the highlight noticeable not heavy blending upwards, she then got rid of any excess on the brush then started buffing into the skin adding strobe cream over the highlighted areas to make it dewey.
Moving on to the brows after finished the base she brushed through the brows and putting some product through them giving a bit of colour using D15 brushed through the brow.
For blush using a peachy colour twiggy and please me getting the model to smile applying to the apples of her cheeks then to buff out, before photograph using rose water then sprayed over the models face giving her that wet dewey look ready for camera!

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