Sunday 11 October 2015

Base's applied by us ...

Health and safety

Before every treatment I will carry out risk assessment this meaning checking my work station making sure is safe for myself, client, and work colleagues surrounding my work area.

Firstly I make sure all bags are tucked under nothing out on the floor causing a hazard, making sure no coats are over the chair or on my station and are hung up and out of the way. Once making sure my area is hazard free I will make sure my clients chair is at the right height so when my client is seated they will be at eye level. This is so its comfortable for my clients and myself as the chair being at the wrong height can cause me to lean and hunch my back a lot throughout the treatment, when your back should always be in a straight posture so this doesn't create any health problems for yourself later on in life.

Above I have inserted two images showing how your posture should be throughout all treatments and how you shouldn't stand throughout as this can cause your back to hunch and cause back pain later on in life.

When nearly ready to start a treatment its always IMPORTANT to wash your hands as you don't want to be touching your clients face without your hands wash as you could be carrying germs to their face, always handy to also keep a small bottle of hand sanitiser on your station if needed to use throughout the treatment.
Each treatment you should never use the same brushes on all of your clients ALWAYS clean brushes for every single client as you should never use dirty brushes. When applying your products to your client you shouldn't dip your brush into your product for example dipping your lip brush into your lipstick and then onto your models lip and back to the lipstick as this is cross contamination, the safe way is to use a spatula taking a laying of your product onto the back of your washed clean hand and working from that than rather working from the products container this will the cross out any contaminations in your treatment. After doing all this should be a no hazard and safe way to carry out your treatment.


After Branka's demo we all got the chance to create both the looks, doing the step by steps shown throughout the demo. First creating the more natural look preparing my models skin, toning the face taking any make up off following moisturising the skin mainly the forehead, nose and both sides of the lower jawline near the models side burns, this is so that my models skin is prepared ready for the base application because if the skin is not prepared correctly it can ruin the overall application for example if I didnt apply mosituriser to the areas that needed and left the skin and went straight in with my application . I found the models skin very dry in those pacific areas, after adding more moisture to try to over come these dry areas I then broke down my models skin tones to mix my concealer for my model using warm undertone and yellow neutral when mixed I applied to under the eye getting my model to look down, so I knew where needed applying also correcting around the mouth in areas and the forehead, then reason for me correcting the skin is so when I apply face and body I would have balanced out the mixture of tones making into one consistent tone through out and not a mixture . Mixing face and body ( N7,C4 ) these are quite warm tones as my model had more of olive skin, I applied to models jaw to see if correct skin matched, and buffing out onto the skin. Face and body is quite a thin and runny foundation but is good to use in looks like this as its light coverage but you build and is a foundation I need to work with more and learn how to work with the product as I've always been one to use more of a full coverage i.e MAC full coverage. Once I was happy with my application of face and body I applied strobe cream to bring elements of the face out to then setting my models skin with mac prep and prime but only lightly dusting the face noting too heavy as we are keeping this look natural.


Products used:

Concealer: warm undertone + yellow neutral tone
Base: N7, C4
Highlight: strobe cream MAC
Setting powder: prep + prime
Brows: brow gel MAC


Above I have inserted images to show the natural look I created on my model using face and body, on my model I felt I didn't apply enough concealer specially I found the forehead and the jawline skin tone a lot darker to rest of the skin and I did find it hard to conceal all the different skin tones on the models face,  felt the skin still looked quite dry so if I was to do this look on this model again I would make sure I have argan oil in my kit this time and use this on my models skin hoping it will hydrate the skin more than just the moisturiser as the oil tends to lock in moisture giving correct prepped skin. The face and body did give more coverage than I expected and next time will be better when the conceal of the skin is more! I found the bottom image on the right side of the face does give a flawless look from the eye down but from the eye upwards not so much, so I will concentrate more next time with concealing the skin as I did find the forehead really hard to work with.

Dewey skin (glowing)

Same prep as I done with my natural look, taking off any left over make-up with pad and toner following with moisturising the skin specially focusing on the models dry areas nose and forehead, for this look it was going to be a more heavy dewey look on the model to create this look I used full coverage MAC , I mixed a very small amount NW35 , NW25 mixing this on the back of my hand and then applying to my models jaw line to see if I had the correct colour match it was slightly too dark so I added a little bit of NC15 just to lighten a little then reapplied finding this far more of the skin tone for the model, I added small amounts to the face patting in areas that I felt needs coverage and buffed it out across the models face, with the full coverage I concealed on top of the foundation again finding it quite hard with the models forehead as its such a darker tone to the rest of the models face, when Branka passed I explained I was finding it hard to conceal this area of the models skin. she then shown me using dema colour D32 and D9 together and mixed these two concealers mixed together should help cancel out the darker tones and applied to the area which did help loads in that area but she said she would normally with this apply under the full coverage foundation to really cover the dark skin tone. I found this help really useful and if I came to this situation again or do this models foundation again I will know exactly what to do and what products to use to over come this. Then applying strobe cream but this time at a 10 pence size to the back of my hand and i then using my ring finger started to apply to parts of the face to make them pop! I then applied a small amount of prep and prime powder to set the skin but using hardly any product as this look is more of a dewey , glowing look for camera.

Products used:

Concealer: D32, D9
Base: full coverage MAC, NW35, NW25, little of NC15
Highlight: strobe cream MAC
Brows: brow gel MAC
Setting powder: Prep + prime


Above I've inserted images showing the full coverage look, I liked using this foundation as I felt it gave more coverage than the face and body which I like, but I don't feel it gives much of a dewey look so next time I would use even less powder, next to nothing as I must of powered the model more than I should of, and spraying more rose water to the skin to finish the look making it more of the dewey. I was really happy with what Branka showed me with the dema colour because on the bottom picture if you compare the left side (full coverage) to the right side of the picture (natural) the models forehead on the left concealed area is more of a success than the right side still showing the dark skin tone through the face and body, so in future I will be using this technique if I came across this again. I also found my models skin really dry in areas and the moisturiser help a bit throughout this treatment but still found the skin dry looking dry on the forehead so I will be getting argon oil for my kit for when I have models/clients with quite dry skin as I felt the moisturiser didn't hydrate my models skin as much as I wanted it to. Overall the perfect base was harder in some areas for me but I learnt throughout this treatment how I could overcome these next time.


Above I have inserted an image I came across on Google showing a dewey glow look that I feel in my final images didn't  show so much of the glowing image I was hoping for, this would be more of the skin I would be working towards next time if I was to create this look again.

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