Tuesday 17 May 2016

Hair & Makeup inspiration for Louis XIV mask


I have gathered four images of Louis XIV inspired hair styles that have caught my eye as an inspiration towards my final outcome, each style has stood out to me for different reasons and hope to create my final style by selecting small parts from each image. With then developing into my own idea for my final look.

Image one: I selected this image towards my research as the movement in the bouffant really caught my eye with then leading down to the nape applied into pin curls with then tight ringlets with the tail of the hair draping over the shoulder. The sections of this hair I'm thinking of incorporating into my final style would be the pin curls and long ringlets to give the Louis XIV feel to the hairstyle.

Image two:  This image really caught my eye as I love the hair & make up as a whole, really love the bouffant and the hight of the style. This is most definitely an style I want to incorporate into my final hair design, as I want the final design to have height into the hair as when my mask is held to the face I have made the mask to have flame like shapes to come out of the mask. So would still like the hair to be shown when the mask is held to the models face so you still get the feel of the Louis XIV styled hair.

Image three: Again chose this image as I love the hight of the bouffant this image shows image one and image two together with the tail of the hair draping over the should and then image two the bouffant. This image showing more of an high fashion look with a more textured style as image two showed more of a neat set. Which I do quite like this textured look to the hair and feel it relates more to the high fashion style.

Image four: This image is from the Autumn/Winter 2009/10 Basso & Brooke- Powdered skin & wigs "Let them eat cake" catwalk that sparks off inspired hair and make up from Louis XIV. With this hair I really like the four rolls that go up each side of the head it looks as if its been applied out of card to make these rolls and not hair, and I really like this idea! I think I would like to incorporate pin curls like the same style but with hair and not cardboard even though I think is amazing look for high fashion or if I was to attempt this myself maybe try a different material to make it my own!

Above I have inserted a very rough sketch (very rough) just to give an en sight of the idea I have in my head to create for my final hair style. I have been mainly inspired but certain sections of the images I researched and the ones I really like I have taken into my design putting all three together to make my final design.

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